Report: Twitter Engagement Guide in 2018



Twitter Engagement Guide in 2018: Strategies Backed by 700+ Million Tweets

In the rapidly evolving world of social media marketing, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for businesses looking to maximize their online presence and engagement rates. As we approach 2024, Twitter remains a powerhouse platform, offering brands and marketers a unique opportunity to connect with their target audience in real-time.
To gain a comprehensive understanding of what works on Twitter, we delved deep into a treasure trove of data – analyzing over 700 million tweets from 2018. This extensive dataset provided invaluable insights into user behavior, engagement patterns, and the strategies that drive success on this dynamic platform.
In this comprehensive article, we'll explore the key findings from the Twitter Engagement Report 2018, dissecting the data and translating it into actionable strategies for digital marketing professionals. Buckle up, as we unravel the secrets to mastering Twitter engagement in 2018 and beyond.

Video Content: The Engagement King

One of the most striking revelations from the report was the undeniable power of video content on Twitter. The data revealed that video posts had a staggering 38% higher overall engagement rate compared to image posts. This statistic alone underscores the importance of incorporating video into your Twitter marketing strategy.
In an age where attention spans are dwindling, and users are bombarded with an endless stream of content, video has the unique ability to captivate and engage audiences like no other medium. Whether it's a behind-the-scenes glimpse into your brand, a product demonstration, or a thought-provoking storytelling piece, video content has the potential to leave a lasting impression and drive meaningful interactions.
To leverage the power of video on Twitter, digital marketers should prioritize creating high-quality, visually appealing, and engaging content that resonates with their target audience. Experiment with different video formats, such as live streams, short-form videos, or even interactive experiences, to keep your audience engaged and craving more.

The Hashtag Conundrum: To Use or Not to Use?

Hashtags have long been a staple in social media marketing, acting as a way to categorize content and make it more discoverable. However, the Twitter Engagement Report 2018 revealed a surprising trend – tweets without hashtags, emojis, or handles had the highest average engagement rates.
This counterintuitive finding challenges the conventional wisdom surrounding hashtag usage and prompts digital marketers to reevaluate their strategies. While hashtags can still be useful for specific campaigns or events, the data suggests that a more organic, conversational approach may be more effective in driving engagement on Twitter.
Instead of overloading your tweets with hashtags, focus on crafting compelling, relatable content that resonates with your audience on a personal level. Engage in real conversations, respond to mentions and comments, and foster a sense of community around your brand. By striking the right balance between promotional and conversational content, you can create a more authentic and engaging presence on Twitter.

The Art of Retweeting: Amplifying Your Reach

In the realm of Twitter, retweets are akin to digital currency – the more your content is retweeted, the greater its reach and potential for engagement. The report revealed that the average tweet receives an impressive 1,690.46 retweets, highlighting the immense power of this feature.
To harness the potential of retweets, digital marketers should focus on creating highly shareable and valuable content. This could include curating industry insights, sharing thought-provoking quotes, or offering exclusive behind-the-scenes glimpses into your brand.
Additionally, actively engaging with your audience and encouraging them to share your content can significantly boost your retweet rates. Pose thought-provoking questions, run contests or giveaways, and leverage the power of influencer marketing to amplify your reach and tap into new audience segments.

The Verified Account Advantage

In an era where authenticity and trust are paramount, the report highlighted the benefits of having a verified Twitter account. Verified accounts, denoted by the coveted blue checkmark, not only tend to have more followers on average but also experience higher engagement rates compared to unverified accounts.
For digital marketers, obtaining a verified status should be a top priority. This badge of authenticity lends credibility to your brand, fostering trust among your audience and potentially increasing the likelihood of engagement.
To become verified on Twitter, businesses must meet specific criteria and undergo a verification process. While the requirements may vary depending on the type of account (individual or company), factors such as authenticity, notability, and activity level play a significant role in the decision-making process.

Leveraging Live Video with Periscope

Twitter's acquisition of Periscope in 2015 opened up new avenues for brands to engage with their audience through live video streaming. The report delved into the effectiveness of Periscope videos, revealing insights that may surprise some digital marketers.
While video content generally outperformed other formats in terms of engagement, the data showed that Periscope videos did not necessarily increase engagement rates compared to regular tweets. However, the median number of engagements for Periscope videos was substantially higher, indicating that high-quality, engaging live content can still resonate with audiences.
To capitalize on the power of live video, digital marketers should approach Periscope strategically. Use it to offer exclusive behind-the-scenes glimpses, host Q&A sessions, or even stream live events or product launches. By providing unique, real-time experiences, brands can foster a deeper connection with their audience and drive meaningful engagement.

The Importance of Verified Accounts and Bio Optimization

In addition to the insights surrounding content formats and engagement strategies, the report also shed light on the significance of verified accounts and optimized Twitter bios.
As mentioned earlier, verified accounts tend to have more followers and higher engagement rates, underscoring the importance of obtaining that coveted blue checkmark. However, even for unverified accounts, optimizing your Twitter bio can have a profound impact on your brand's visibility and follower growth.
According to the report, profiles with exactly 91 characters in their bio had, on average, the highest number of followers. Digital marketers should carefully craft their bios, striking a balance between conciseness and compelling storytelling. Incorporate relevant keywords, highlight your brand's unique value proposition, and consider including a call-to-action or branded hashtag to encourage engagement.

Embracing Emojis and Animal Emojis

While hashtags may not be the engagement powerhouse they once were, the report highlighted the potential of emojis in driving interest and interactions on Twitter. Emojis not only add a touch of personality to your tweets but can also help capture attention in a crowded feed.
Interestingly, the report revealed that certain emojis, such as the "Face with Tears of Joy," the heart emoji, and the fire emoji, had the highest average engagement rates. Digital marketers should consider incorporating these popular emojis into their Twitter content to increase its shareability and resonance with audiences.
Additionally, the report delved into the popularity of animal emojis, with dogs, monkeys, and goats topping the list. For brands operating in pet-related industries or those targeting demographic segments with an affinity for cute animal content, incorporating these emojis could be a strategic move to boost engagement and brand affinity.

The Power of Location and Global Reach

In today's interconnected world, it's crucial for digital marketers to understand the global landscape of Twitter users. The report provided valuable insights into the most common locations for Twitter users, as stated by the users themselves.
London, Paris, the United States, France, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Mexico emerged as the top locations, highlighting the platform's global reach and the diverse audience segments brands can target. By tailoring content and strategies to resonate with specific geographic regions or cultural nuances, digital marketers can enhance their engagement and build stronger connections with their target audiences.

Embracing Weekends and Real-Time Engagement

While many businesses may perceive weekends as a time to scale back their social media efforts, the report revealed an intriguing statistic – Twitter engagement for brands is 17% higher on weekends. This finding highlights the importance of maintaining a consistent, real-time presence on the platform, even during traditionally "off" hours.
Digital marketers should capitalize on this opportunity by scheduling engaging content, monitoring conversations, and responding promptly to mentions and inquiries from their audience. By being present and active when users are most engaged, brands can foster stronger connections, build trust, and potentially drive greater customer loyalty.
Moreover, the report emphasized the expectation of swift response times from brands. A staggering 60% of users expect a brand to respond to queries within an hour. By prioritizing real-time engagement and prompt customer service, digital marketers can differentiate their brand and create a positive, memorable experience for their audience.

Embracing Authenticity and Conversational Content

One of the overarching themes that emerged from the Twitter Engagement Report 2018 was the importance of authenticity and conversational content. While promotional messages and hashtags still have their place, the data suggests that a more organic, relatable approach resonates better with Twitter users.
Digital marketers should strive to create content that fosters genuine connections and two-way conversations with their audience. Rather than solely broadcasting promotional messages, engage in meaningful dialogues, respond to comments and mentions, and actively listen to the concerns and interests of your followers.
By embracing a more conversational tone and letting your brand's personality shine through, you can cultivate a sense of authenticity that resonates with users and encourages deeper engagement. Share behind-the-scenes glimpses, ask thought-provoking questions, and encourage user-generated content to foster a community-driven approach to your Twitter presence.

Adapting to Platform Changes

It's important to note that the Twitter landscape is constantly evolving, with new features, updates, and algorithm changes shaping the way users interact with the platform. The report highlighted a few key changes that digital marketers should be aware of.
For instance, Twitter's decision to increase the character limit for tweets also increased the number of users that could be tagged in a single post. This shift may impact the effectiveness of user tagging as an engagement strategy, and digital marketers should closely monitor its impact and adjust their tactics accordingly.
Additionally, as social media platforms continue to prioritize user privacy and authenticity, measures such as Twitter's suspension of over 935,000 accounts for terror-related reasons underscore the importance of adhering to ethical practices and fostering a safe, trustworthy online environment for your audience.
By staying vigilant and adapting to these changes, digital marketers can ensure their strategies remain effective and aligned with best practices, fostering long-term success on the platform.

Integrating with Your Overall Marketing Strategy

While mastering Twitter engagement is crucial, it's important to remember that social media marketing is just one piece of a larger, integrated marketing strategy. Digital marketers should strive to create a cohesive, omnichannel experience for their audience, seamlessly integrating their Twitter presence with other marketing channels.
For example, you can leverage Twitter to drive traffic to your website, promote exclusive content or offers, and even integrate with email marketing campaigns or influencer collaborations. By aligning your Twitter efforts with your overall marketing objectives, you can maximize the impact of your efforts and create a consistent, memorable brand experience across all touchpoints.
Furthermore, leveraging Twitter's advertising capabilities can amplify your reach and target specific audience segments with tailored messaging and promotions. By combining organic and paid strategies, digital marketers can achieve a comprehensive presence on the platform, driving both engagement and conversions.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation

Finally, it's essential to recognize that the world of social media marketing is ever-evolving, and the strategies that work today may not be as effective tomorrow. Digital marketers must embrace a mindset of continuous learning and adaptation, staying attuned to emerging trends, platform updates, and shifts in user behavior.
Regularly analyzing your Twitter performance data, monitoring industry reports and thought leaders, and experimenting with new tactics can help you stay ahead of the curve and refine your approach for maximum impact.


In the dynamic realm of Twitter marketing, success hinges on a deep understanding of user behavior, engagement patterns, and the ability to adapt to ever-changing trends. By leveraging the insights from the Twitter Engagement Report 2018 and embracing a data-driven, strategic approach, digital marketing professionals can unlock the full potential of this powerful platform.
Remember, the key is to strike a balance between promotional content and authentic, conversational interactions, leveraging the power of visual storytelling through video and engaging multimedia. Embrace the verified account advantage, optimize your bio for maximum impact, and stay attuned to platform changes and user preferences.
By consistently delivering value, fostering genuine connections, and adapting to the evolving landscape, you can position your brand at the forefront of Twitter engagement, captivating your audience and driving meaningful results for your business.
Mastering Twitter engagement is an ongoing journey, but with the right strategies, data-backed insights, and a commitment to innovation, digital marketing professionals can unlock a world of opportunities and cement their brand's position as an industry leader in the years to come.
Contact us, let us know what we can help.