Content Marketing Strategies for Global Brands

In 2021, a wave of consumer brands is intensively expanding overseas, embarking on a trillion-dollar journey to global markets. However, once brands truly venture abroad, how should they kickstart their overseas marketing? Facing vastly different traffic dividends and content channels from the domestic market, how can brands formulate distinct strategies?

Four key practical issues in brand expansion

  1. Understanding the traffic trends and channels of overseas social media.
  1. Navigating the stages, content formats, and channels for DTC brands.
  1. Achieving unity between brand and effectiveness.
  1. Leveraging influencers for future brand positioning in e-commerce.

01. Understanding Overseas Social Media Traffic Trends and Channels

The landscape of overseas social media plays a crucial role in brand expansion. From the establishment of Google in 1998 to the rise of platforms like Facebook and YouTube, the shift to mobile internet has diversified content formats from text and images to videos and live streaming. Overseas content structures include professional portals, social media, forums, blogs, podcasts, and live streaming platforms like ABC, YouTube, and TikTok.

02. Navigating the Phases and Channels for DTC Brands

DTC brands typically undergo three phases: launch, scaling, and breakthrough. Strategies vary based on product type, with tech products emphasizing breakthrough innovations and fashion products leveraging influencer endorsements and user-generated content for viral marketing.

03. Integrating Content and Advertising for Unified Branding

Achieving unity between content and advertising is essential for effective marketing. Professional-generated content (PGC) provides authoritative perspectives, while user-generated content (UGC) offers authenticity. Strategies should align with different stages of the conversion funnel, considering the user's journey from awareness to purchase.

04. Harnessing Influencers for Future Growth in E-commerce

Influencers, particularly those on platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok, present significant opportunities for brands. Brands should prioritize mid-tail influencers for their relevance, credibility, loyalty, and cost-effectiveness. Collaborations should respect influencers' creative autonomy to yield genuine and impactful content.
These four insights underscore the importance of crafting unified content marketing strategies tailored to the unique landscape of overseas markets. By leveraging the right channels, formats, and influencers, brands can effectively navigate the complexities of global expansion and drive sustainable growth.
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